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lutein powder

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Product details
Product Name  
Product Name: Tagetes erecta extract
Herb Source: Tagetes erecta L
Active Ingredient: lutein
Specification:  20%
Appearance:Orange powder
Test Method: UV
CAS#: 127-40-2
Tagetes Erecta Extract4 Lutein 1
1. Annual herb, 50-150 cm tall. Stem erect, stout, with longitudinal thin ribs, branches spreading upward. Leaves pinnately divided, 5 -- 10 x 4 -- 8 cm, lobed oblong or lanceolate, margin sharply serrated, upper lobe lobes long fine-awned at tooth end; There are a few glands along the leaf margin. Inflorescence solitary, 5 -- 8 cm in diameter, peduncle apical clavate dilated; Involucral bracts 1.8 -- 2 x 1 -- 1.5 cm, cup-shaped, apiculate; Ligulate flowers yellow or dark orange; 2.9cm long, the tongue is obovate, 1.4 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, the base shrinks and grows into a claw, the tip is slightly curved and lacking; Tubular corolla yellow, ca. 9 mm long, apical 5-dentate.

2. Achenes linear, base reduced, black or brown, 8-11 mm long, covered with short hairs; The crest has 1-2 long awns and 2-3 short blunt scales. Flowering period from July to September. Our product is 20% Tagetes erecta extract ,20% lutein powder and 20% lutein extract. Our main products are freeze-dried fruit, freeze-dried vegetables, high content monomer, herbal medicine and low content monomer.

Tagetes Erecta Extract2

Lutein is a kind of natural substance widely existing in vegetables, flowers, fruits and other plants, belonging to the "carrot-like" group of substances, known in nature there are more than 600 kinds of carotene, of which only about 20 exist in human blood and tissue.
⑴ Main pigment components of retina: lutein and zeaxanthin constitute the main components of vegetable, fruit, flowers and other plant pigments, but also the main pigment in the macular area of the retina of the human eye. Human eyes contain high amounts of lutein, which is an element that the body cannot produce and must be replaced by ingestion of lutein. Without this element, the eyes will go blind; Lutein structure
(2) Protect eyes from light damage, delay eye aging and prevent lesions: ultraviolet and blue light from sunlight into the eyes will produce a large number of free radicals, leading to cataracts, macular degeneration, and even cancer. Uv rays are filtered out by the cornea and lens of the eye, but blue light penetrates through the eye to the retina and macula. Lutein in the macula filters out blue light, preventing blue light from damaging the eye. The fatty outer layer of the macula is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage from sunlight, so this area is prone to degradation.
(3) Antioxidant helps prevent cardiovascular sclerosis, coronary heart disease and tumor diseases caused by body aging;
⑷ Vision protection: Lutein as an antioxidant and photoprotective effect, can promote Rhodopsin regeneration in retinal cells, can prevent severe myopia and retinal detachment, and can improve vision and protect vision. Especially suitable for students, drivers and other people to eat;
(5) Relieve visual fatigue symptoms (blurred vision, eye dryness, eye distention, eye pain, photophobia, etc.);
⑹ Improve the pigment density of macula, protect macula and promote the development of macula;
⑺ preventing macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa;
Therefore reduce the production of glass film wart, prevent the occurrence of AMD.
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Shaanxi HuiKe Botanical Development Co.,Ltd

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Audited supplier
4 year
Address: Xian, China

Main Product: Herbal Medicine, Freeze-dried Fruit powder, Freeze-dried Vegetables powder , Plant extract, Homology of medicine and food, High Content Monomer

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